A while back, I blogged about a very exciting project I am working on with Spier Architectural Arts, and now it’s all gathering momentum, for the big Reveal on 8 May.
I spent my Making Friday working on my giant tiled panel, and while I took lots of pics, I can’t show the full design quite yet. Still there’s still lots of behind the scenes stuff to pique your interest..
The head of the Spier Architectural Arts ceramics studio, Karen Kotze really is the hero of this project. She’s been working day and night in her relentless, gleeful pursuit of the perfect array of greens for me, as well as all the colours for everyone else’s panels.
And what an array she’s come up with! Have you ever seen such greenish deliciousness?
Hooray for Karen!
Remember to keep your diary clear on Thursday 8 May (First Thursday Cape Town) and then visit my shop, as well as MeMeMe and Robert Sherwood to see the first airing of the Half Square project!